Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Information Systems.
Higher Education:
Kyiv Higher Military Engineering School of Communication. Military radio engineer.
Defended Thesis:
- PhD: 01.20.09 – General Basics and Management Systems, including communications in the Armed Forces, special topic.
- Doctoral: 12.05.02 – Telecommunication Systems and Networks,
“Methods and Means for Improving the Functioning of Digital Radio Networks on Multiple Beam Channels”.
Work experience:
- 1988-1998. Kyiv Higher Military Engineering School of Communication, Adjunct, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor.
- 1998-2001. National Defense Academy of Ukraine, Assistant Professor.
- 2003-2017. State University of Information and Communication Technologies, Associate Professor, Professor, Head of the Department, Vice-rector for scientific work.
- Since 2017. Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Professor.
Scientific papers:
More than 314 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 10 textbooks, 84 articles in professional editions of Ukraine, 132 abstracts at conferences. The Hirsch Index in Scopus – 1, in Google Scholar – 4.
Scientific interests:
5G mobile networks, IoT / M2M networks, terahertz telecommunication systems.
Scientific and International activity:
- Member of the Specialized Academic Council of the National Aviation University D 26.062.19.
- Member of the editorial board of the professional edition “Science-intensive technologies”.
- Member of the Board of Certification of the Ukrainian State Center for Radio Frequency Communications Technology.
- Participates in international projects and collaborates with scientific institutions and enterprises in China.
- Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Honorary diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Honorary diploma of the Kyiv mayor