Andrii Khlevnyi

Хлевний АОPhD in Engineering Science, Assistant Professor Department of Technologies Management. 

Higher Education:

Vinnytsia National Technical University. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Defended Thesis:

  • PhD: 05.13.06 – Information technology, “Models, methods and information technology management technological preparation of production engineering enterprises”.

Work experience: 

  • 2008 – 2011. Solid Research and Development, Specialized Software Sales Manager (CAD / CAM / CAE, PDM).
  • 2008 – 2011. National Aviation University, postgraduate student.
  • 2011 – 2017. National Aviation University, Leading Engineer in Marketing and Technical Development.
  • 2017 – present. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Assistant, Department of Technologies Management.

Scientific papers: 

More than 49 scientific works, 8 articles in professional editions of Ukraine, 22 abstracts at conferences, 1 copyright (Computer program). The Hirsch Index in Scopus – 1, in Google Scholar – 2.


Main publications indexed by Scopus or Web of Science:
– Teslia, Iurii & Yehorchenkova, Nataliia & Yehorchenkov, Oleksii & Khlevna, Iulia & Kataieva, Yevheniia & Klievanna, Ganna & Khlevnyi, Andrii & Латышева, Татьяна & Ivanov, Ivan & Sazonov, Anton. (2023). Development of a multilingual intelligent project planning and monitoring system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2. 82-94. 10.15587/1729-4061.2023.277618. (link)
– Teslia, Iurii & Khlevna, Iulia & Yehorchenkov, Oleksii & Yehorchenkova, Nataliia & Grigor, Oleg & Kataieva, Yevheniia & Латышева, Татьяна & Prokopenko, Tеtiana & Yuriy, Tryus & Khlevnyi, Andrii. (2022). Development of the concept of building project management systems in the context of digital transformation of project-oriented companies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 6. 14-25. 10.15587/1729-4061.2022.268139. (link)
– Teslia, Iurii and Yehorchenkova, Nataliia and Yehorchenkov, Oleksii and Khlevna, Iulia and Kataieva, Yevheniia and Veretelnyk, Vitalii and Chastokolenko, Ihor and Ohirko, Ihor and Khlevnyi, Andrii and Latysheva, Tatiana, Development of the Concept of Construction of the Project Management Information Standard on the Basis of the Primadoc Information Management System (February 28, 2022). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1 (3 (115)), 53–65, 2022. (link)
– Teslia, I., Khlevna, I., Yehorchenkov, O., Zaspa, H., Khlevnyi, A. The concept of integrated information technology of enterprises project activities management implementation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021, 2851, pp. 143–152. (link)
– Teslia, Iurii and Yehorchenkova, Nataliia and Khlevna, Iulia and Kataieva, Yevheniia and Latysheva, Tatiana and Yehorchenkov, Oleksii and Khlevnyi, Andrii and Veretelnyk, Vitaliy, Developing a Systems Engineering Concept for Digitalizing Higher Education Institutions (December 25, 2020). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(2 (108)), 6-20, 2020. (link)
– Teslia, Iurii & Yehorchenkov, Oleksii & Khlevna, Iulia & Khlevnyi, Andrii. (2018). Development of the concept and method of building of specified project management methodologies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 5. 6-16. 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.142707. (link)
– Y. Teslia, A. Khlevnyi, I. Khlevna and S. Gerasymenko, “Control of informational impacts on project management,” 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP), Lviv, Ukraine, 2016, pp. 387-391. (link)

Scientific interests:

Information technology, IT project management, industrial production management.

Scientific and International activity:

Participates in projects on:

  • management of technological preparation of some aircraft structures;
  • planning and implementation of the procurement system;
  • analytics of product loyalty (software, consumer), planning and implementation of methods of its enhancement.

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